write section two

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Jeremy Penner 2011-03-03 11:42:10 -08:00
parent b5b15da057
commit f00bc2d94c

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@ -46,8 +46,89 @@
<section name="next">
<nev name="start">
Larry is alone with the DeLorean in the lab, for the first time.
<nev name="start">
<set var="number">null</set>
<set var="fInRoom">false</set>
<set var="fBeenInRoom">false</set>
<donext nev="realstart"/>
<nev name="realstart">
<p>"So I just write down the number I see on the screen?" says Larry.</p>
<p>"Yep," says Richard.</p>
<p>"And what does this tell us, exactly?" says Larry.</p>
<p>"Well, when you come out of the [room], I'm going to type the number you give me into the computer, which
will make it show up on the screen before you wrote it down," says Richard.</p>
<p>"And what does this tell us, exactly?" says Larry again, exasperated.</p>
<p>"A number that neither of us picked," says Richard.</p>
<word name="room">
<verb name="Enter">
<set var="fInRoom">true</set>
<set var="fBeenInRoom">true</set>
<p>Larry sighs and opens the door. Inside the [room] is a computer [screen].</p>
<verb name="Leave">
<set var="fInRoom">false</set>
Larry goes back into the lab. [Richard] looks at him expectantly. "Well?" he asks.
<word name="screen">
<verb name="Read">
$[if (number === null) {]
Larry looks at the screen. It's blank. "Well, hell," he says, feebly scanning the [room]
for another, hidden screen that might have a number on it. He doesn't find one.
$[} else {]
Larry looks at the screen. The number $(number) is displayed on it.
<p>He looks down at his piece of [paper] for a moment.</p>
<pastresponse after="start" future_cause="paper.write">
<set var="number">6</set>
<word name="paper">
<verb name="write" display="Write down number">
$[if (false) {]
Larry is at a loss for a moment, but then decides that the thing to do is to just write down a number.
He chooses six.
$[} else {]
<p>"Huh," says Larry, scrawling down a large number $(number) on his paper. "Wonder what that means."</p>
<donext nev="room.Leave"/>
<word name="Richard">
<verb name="give" display="Give paper" nextsection="notes">
$[if (number === null) {]
<p>Larry shows Richard the blank piece of paper. "Nothing on the screen," he says.</p>
Richard slaps himself on the forehead. "Of course! I can't believe I didn't think of that. If you
don't show me a number, I won't type it in, which means you won't see a number, which means no paradox.
Duh. How stupid of me. Forget I even asked."
$[} else {]
<p>Larry holds up the piece of paper. "It said $(number)".</p>
<p>Richard looks quizzically at the paper. "$(number)? Are you sure?"</p>
<p>A look of alarm crosses Larry's face. "Is... is $(number) bad?"</p>
<p>"No, no, it's just I would have expected something, I don't know, more random, or meaningful, I guess,"
says Richard. "You didn't just make up some number?"</p>
<p>"Of course not!" says Larry, offended. "Go ahead and look for yourself. The screen says $(number)."</p>
<p>"No, no, I believe you," says Richard, and types a $(number) into his computer.</p>