DSL for level-based player touch event handling

This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Penner 2019-03-11 21:57:22 -04:00
parent 9165b44bc7
commit f16962f7f9
16 changed files with 53 additions and 27 deletions


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@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
<rot if r< | else r< ~ & then ( v newval )
swap ! ;
: f@ ( v flag -- ) swap @ & ;
: fnot! 2dup f@ not f! ;
: expile state if , else execute then ;
@ -53,6 +54,18 @@
: links begin yield @ dup not until ;
( usage:
: search-xy { x y -- b r: coroutine } begin 2dup search >rot drop drop ;
: test-xy { x y -- b }
search-xy 1 2 2= yield 3 4 2= yield drop drop 999 yield ;
test-xy will return 1 if x y is 1 2 or 3 4, otherwise it returns 999.
Note that it must always end with a yield, as search has no way to tell
the difference between an early termination and a final non-zero result.
: search
' yield , ' dup , ' not , [ ' while , ] ' drop , [ ' repeat , ]
' rdrop , ; immediate
: min ( x y -- x|y ) 2dup > if swap then drop ;
: max ( x y -- x|y ) 2dup < if swap then drop ;

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@ -33,16 +33,16 @@ var textx
var texty
2 const textspeed
: nltext 7 textx ! 10 texty +! ;
: nltext 6 textx ! 10 texty +! ;
: inctextx
textx @ 1 + dup 38 <= if textx !
else drop nltext then ;
else drop nltext inctextx then ;
key \ const '\'
: statusc
dup dup '\' = swap '\n' = or if drop nltext
else dup '\r' = if drop
else textx @ texty @ <rot text-color @ textc inctextx then then ;
else inctextx textx @ texty @ <rot text-color @ textc then then ;
var texttimer
: textnextc ( s -- s )
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ var texttimer
WHITE text-color !
s" " dup dup status0 status1 status2
text-color !
7 textx !
6 textx !
10 texty ! ;
: show-footer 48 10 footer-y move-to ;


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@ -70,19 +70,26 @@ defer player
defer player-touch ( x y -- b )
: touch-begin begin 2dup search >rot drop drop 1 - ;
: touched? if 2 else 1 then ;
: touched-more? if 2 else 0 then ;
: touch-next ' touched-more? , ' yield , ; immediate
: touch-last ' touched? , ' yield , ; immediate
: ;touch [ ' touch-last , ' [ , ] ; immediate
: check-player-touch ( x y -- b )
2dup entity-at dup if EVTOUCH entity>do drop drop 1 else drop
2dup player-touch if drop drop 1 else
2dup out-of-bounds if drop drop 1 else
player.canmove? if 0 else 1 then then then then ;
touch-begin entity-at dup if EVTOUCH entity>do 1 then
touch-next player-touch
touch-next out-of-bounds
touch-next player.canmove? not ;touch
: try-move-player
player entity-dst check-player-touch not if move-player then ;
: check-entity-touch ( x y -- b )
2dup entity-at if drop drop 1 else
2dup out-of-bounds if 1 else
WALKABLE mapflag? if 0 else 1 then then then ;
: check-entity-touch
touch-begin entity-at
touch-next out-of-bounds
touch-next WALKABLE mapflag? ;touch
: try-move-entity ( e -- )
dup entity-dst check-entity-touch not if move-entity then ;
@ -100,7 +107,7 @@ player :tick
( S T U F F )
: hello-world
player.state DRIVING f@ not player.state DRIVING f! ;
player.state DRIVING fnot! ;
: mode-move
entities each EVTICK entity>do more


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@ -12,15 +12,13 @@ car :touch
player.driving? not if car yield then
0 |; ' entities redefine
( TODO: DSL for touch events? )
:| 2dup S leaving? player.driving? not and if
pete say" It's too far to walk to town." 1 else
2dup 12 7 2= if
player.driving? not if
petehous.jor queue-level
then 1
else 0 then then >rot drop drop
|; ' player-touch redefine
:| touch-begin S leaving? player.driving? not and dup if
pete say" It's too far to walk to town." then
touch-next 12 7 2= dup if
player.driving? not if
petehous.jor queue-level
then then
touch-last |; ' player-touch redefine
s" pete.map" load-map
; ' onload redefine

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@ -3,11 +3,19 @@
16 9 tile>world player entity.pos!
:| 16 10 2= if
12 8 tile>world player entity.pos!
pete.jor queue-level
1 else 0 then
|; ' player-touch redefine
touch-begin 16 10 2= dup if
12 8 tile>world player entity.pos!
pete.jor queue-level
then touch-next 9 4 2= dup if
pete say" The closet is a disaster.\I don't want to deal with that\right now."
then touch-next 11 4 2= dup if
pete say" I'm already dressed."
then touch-next 16 3 2= dup if
pete say" The sink's full of nasty dishes.\I'm not touching them."
then touch-next 18 3 2= dup if
pete say" Should get some more beer soon."
then touch-last |; ' player-touch redefine
s" petehous.map" load-map
; ' onload redefine

repl.jim Executable file

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