
117 lines
2.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

( F O O T E R )
var footer-y
0 footer-y !
: draw-footer footer-y @ split-screen ;
0 const BLACK
1 const BLUE
2 const GREEN
3 const CYAN
4 const RED
5 const MAGENTA
6 const BROWN
7 const LGRAY
8 const DGRAY
9 const LBLUE
10 const LGREEN
11 const LCYAN
12 const PINK
13 const LMAGENTA
14 const YELLOW
15 const WHITE
var text-color
WHITE text-color !
: textxy ( s x y ) <rot text-color @ text ;
: portraity 1 swap textxy ;
2019-05-17 02:25:13 +00:00
: statusy 6 swap textxy ;
var textx
var texty
2 const textspeed
2019-05-17 02:25:13 +00:00
var textleft
: textleftsay 6 textleft ! ;
: textleftchoice 8 textleft ! ;
2019-05-17 02:25:13 +00:00
: nltext textleft @ textx ! 10 texty +! ;
: inctextx
textx @ 1 + dup 38 <= if textx !
else drop nltext inctextx then ;
key \ const '\'
: statusc
dup dup '\' = swap '\n' = or if drop nltext
else dup '\r' = if drop
else inctextx textx @ texty @ <rot text-color @ textc then then ;
var texttimer
: textnextc ( s -- s )
dup b@ dup if statusc 1 + else drop then ;
: slowtext ( s -- )
texttimer now!
begin dup b@ while
texttimer advance! textspeed * 0 for textnextc next
suspend repeat drop ;
: clear
text-color @
WHITE text-color !
2019-05-17 02:25:13 +00:00
s" " dup dup 10 statusy 20 statusy 30 statusy
text-color !
2019-05-17 02:25:13 +00:00
textleft @ textx !
2019-09-29 03:19:02 +00:00
10 texty ! ; userword
: show-footer 48 10 footer-y move-to ;
: hide-footer 0 10 footer-y move-to ;
: footer-wait show-footer ^ENTER wait-key ;
2019-09-29 03:19:02 +00:00
: say ( s -- ) textleftsay clear show-footer slowtext footer-wait ; userword
: say" [ ' s" , ] ' say expile ; immediate
2019-05-17 02:25:13 +00:00
defer choosegen
var ichoose
var cchoose
: countchoosegen ( -- )
0 choosegen each drop drop 1 + more cchoose ! ;
: getchoice ( -- s cp )
0 choosegen
each <rot dup ichoose @ < if 1 + >rot drop drop else drop break then more ;
: canchooseleft ichoose @ 0 > ;
: canchooseright ichoose @ cchoose @ 1 - < ;
: displaychoice
canchooseleft if s" <" 6 20 textxy then
canchooseright if s" >" 38 20 textxy then
getchoice drop slowtext ;
: navchoice ( -- done )
0 begin suspend
^LEFT key-pressed canchooseleft and if drop 1 -1 ichoose +! then
^RIGHT key-pressed canchooseright and if drop 1 1 ichoose +! then
^ENTER key-pressed if drop 2 then
dup until 1 - ;
: choose ( gen -- )
' choosegen redefine countchoosegen 0 ichoose !
textleftchoice clear show-footer
begin displaychoice navchoice until
getchoice swap drop execute ;
: character ( iportrait color ) create , ,
does> dup @ text-color ! cell + @ draw-portrait ;
2019-09-29 03:19:02 +00:00
0 GREEN character pete userword
1 MAGENTA character mary userword
2 BROWN character chuck userword
3 YELLOW character jeanne userword
4 LGRAY character phone userword
: noone WHITE text-color ! s" " dup dup dup
2019-09-29 03:19:02 +00:00
8 portraity 16 portraity 24 portraity 32 portraity ; userword